Spring Hill Specialist Dental Centre

Covid19 Information

Covid19 Information

Monday 4th January 2021

Practice remains open as normal

Following the Prime Ministers most recent announcement, we would like to reassure our patients that Spring Hill Dental will remain open during the forthcoming period of national lockdown. There are no restrictions with regards to medical treatment and you are actively encouraged to keep your appointments, as they are considered part of essential healthcare.

A subsequent announcement has also been made by Sara Hurley, Chief Dental Officer for England which states that “Dentistry is an essential medical service. patients are entitled to travel for medical appointments, including dental”.

At Spring Hill, we continue to rigorously follow all government guidelines, using all the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and following high standards in cross infection control. Alongside this we have a robust triaging system which has been ensuring the safety of both our patients and staff since we re-opened in June.

With this in mind, we would very much like to see you at your next appointment as planned. However, should you prefer, we are happy to postpone until a later date. Please contact us to discuss any concerns.

As before, we ask that you do not attend your appointment if you are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19 or you have been advised to isolate as a known contact of a confirmed positive case.

We would like to wish all our patients and their families the bet of health and to stay safe.

– Dr Peter Davis and the Spring Hill Team