Spring Hill Specialist Dental Centre


Orthodontic Treatment

The purpose of orthodontics is to correct the positioning of your teeth so as to improve their function and appearance. It’s not just for aesthetic reasons that people seek this treatment; it’s also for health reasons, as it can reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease in some patients. You are a possible candidate for orthodontic treatment if you suffer from any of the below:

Orthodontic treatment is performed only by an orthodontist, a fully qualified dentist who has undertaken additional training to specialise in orthodontics.

The process begins with a full assessment of your teeth, this will involve x-rays, photographs and a discussion about which type of brace is most suitable for you.

Orthodontic braces, which may be either removable or fixed, are used in order to straighten your teeth. These braces work by using gentle pressure to gradually move your teeth to the desired position.

After your brace has been fitted, dependant on which type of brace you have, you will need to visit the orthodontist at our practice every 4-10 weeks. This is so the progress of the movement can be checked and adjustments to the brace can be made.

Treatment time can vary from anywhere between 6 months up to 2 years. Some orthodontic treatment may also require teeth to be removed as part of the treatment, this is very dependent on each individual situation and will be fully explained at a consultation appointment with our Orthodontist.